Di Leo Immobiliare


Locale commerciale Ancona, Fabriano

€ 75.000Rif 6733

FABRIANO (AN) – COMMERCIAL PREMISES also ideal for OFFICE, with attached storage, cellar and uncovered parking space. It is located in the city center in a residential area well served by shops and the train station. It is part of a larger condominium built in load-bearing masonry in the early 1950s. The property is on the ground floor and has a surface area of ​​approximately 48 m2 divided into two rooms with a useful height varying from 3 to 4 metres. Through an internal door it communicates with the adjacent warehouse of approximately 44 m2, also located on the ground floor with an internal height of approximately 3.80 m. The property includes a cellar of approximately 39 m2 with an internal height of 2.40 m in the basement which is accessed from the condominium staircase and an uncovered outdoor parking space of approximately 20 m2. Ref. 6733 DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 75.000
  • Mq100
  • Locali4
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniDiscreto
  • ClassificazioneMedio


  • Elettrico  Da verificare
  • Fognario  Allacciato
  • Idraulico  Da verificare


  • Mare/lago60 km
  • Autostrada58 km
  • Trasporti1 km
  • Servizi100 mt

Sono presenti altre 4 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Rif 6733

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