Di Leo Immobiliare


Capannone / Fondo Ancona, Castelplanio

€ 420.000Rif 6592

CASTELPLANIO (AN) - INDUSTRIAL/ARTISAN SHED of about 890 sq m with an external courtyard of 300 sq m. The property develops entirely on the ground floor with a useful underbeam height of 8.5 m. The building was built in , has a load-bearing structure in prefabricated reinforced concrete beams and pillars, external infill panels in prefabricated reinforced concrete panels painted and covered with tiles. It is equipped with a small dressing room and a bathroom. Purchase subject to VAT with the possibility of applying REVERSE CHARGE. Ref. DiLeoImmobiliare 6592

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 420.000
  • Mq890
  • Locali2
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniDiscreto
  • ClassificazioneMedio


  • Mare/lago28 km
  • Autostrada27 km
  • Trasporti1 km
  • Servizi500 mt
  • Parcheggio10 mt

Rif 6592

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Capannone / Fondo Ancona, Castelplanio
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