Di Leo Immobiliare


Capannone / Fondo Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto

€ 4.500Rif 6509

ACQUAVIVA PICENA - 1 km from San Benedetto del Tronto, portion of an industrial plant which is part of a larger complex spread over a total area of ​​24,000 m2. The property is arranged over three floors: in the basement there is ample space for warehouse/production of over 1100 m2; on the ground floor, a large space for production of over 1100 square meters entirely free from columns and equipped with some offices built with movable walls; the basement and first floors are also served by two freight elevators with a payload of 1,000 kg/each. On the third floor there is a technical room and machines for the air conditioning system. All environments, including the production areas and warehouses, have false ceilings for better thermal and acoustic insulation, and are also equipped with a hot/cold air conditioning system, alarm systems, compressed air systems and a generator set. All systems are functional. The property has a large yard of approximately 4,000 m2. Possibility of purchase also with the RENT TO BUY formula. Ref.6509 DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 4.500
  • Mq2530
  • Locali15
  • Classe Energ.E
  • IPE282 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • 6+6
  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniOttimo
  • ClassificazioneMedio

Caratteristiche interne

  • Altezza Sotto Trave 
  • Bagni  con antibagni e spogliatoi (220 mq)
  • Cucina  Abitabile
  • Locale Caldaia 
  • Montacarichi 
  • Reception 
  • Soppalco 
  • Spogliatoi 
  • Uffici 


  • ADSL / Banda Larga 
  • Aria Condizionata  Centralizzato
  • Citofono 
  • Allarme  esistente
  • Di Riscaldamento  Aria
  • Elettrico  A norma
  • Fognario  Allacciato
  • Idraulico  A norma
  • Rete LAN 

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Altezza Portoni 
  • Ascensore 
  • Larghezza Porte/portoni 
  • Piazzale  (4000 mq)
  • Portineria 
  • Superficie Edificabile 


  • Mare/lago5 km
  • Autostrada9 km
  • Trasporti4 km
  • Servizi1 km
  • Parcheggio10 mt

Sono presenti altre 3 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Rif 6509

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