Di Leo Immobiliare


Locale artigianale Macerata, Macerata

€ 327.000Rif 5963

MACERATA - VILLA POTENZA - In an area with mixed commercial and residential use, building to be restored consisting of a basement and three floors above ground with a house plus a factory with a completely fenced external courtyard. The Opificio has a laboratory area on the ground floor with toilets and a mezzanine with offices. The house of about 249 square meters is accessed from the porch with a staircase leading to floor 1. Internally it is on two levels connected by a wooden and ceramic staircase and has two balconies and a cellar in the basement. NEGOTIABLE PRICE. Ref. 5963 DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 327.000
  • Mq700
  • Locali10
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniDa ristrutturare
  • ClassificazioneMedio


  • Mare/lago30 km
  • Autostrada33 km
  • Trasporti7,5 km
  • Servizi1 km
  • Parcheggio10 mt

Sono presenti altre 3 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Rif 5963

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