Di Leo Immobiliare


Capannone / Fondo Ascoli Piceno, Spinetoli - Pagliare Del Tronto

Tratt.RiservataRif 5790

PAGLIARE DEL TRONTO - Near the motorway junction, shed in excellent condition of 1206 square meters on two levels with stairs and lift. It is surrounded by a square of about 1000 sqm cemented with quartz with a rainwater collection network, it is completely fenced and has two driveways from large remote-controlled electric gates that allow easy unloading of goods even from trucks. The building has a reinforced concrete structure, has windows on all sides, has several emergency exits, a fire-fighting tank, standard systems including heating and air conditioning. The ground floor consists of an exhibition area on the main front, office, dressing room, toilet and warehouse of 396 square meters on the back with an internal height of m. 4.10 over a mezzanine of 38 square meters. The first floor has an exhibition room / show room, three offices and toilets. The internal walls are mainly plastered and painted and the floors, depending on the area, are in tiles and wooden slats. The property lends itself to various uses: craftsmanship with adjoining direct sale, commercial activity or compatible with it. Ref. 5790 DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • PrezzoTrattativa riservata
  • Mq1200
  • Locali6
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniOttimo
  • ClassificazioneMedio

Caratteristiche interne

  • Altezza Interna Massima  (4,10 mq)
  • Area Di Vendita 
  • Bagni3
  • Baia Di Carico 
  • Illuminazione  Tradizionale
  • Magazzino  (434 mq)
  • Reception 
  • Uffici  (70 mq)


  • Anello Antincendio 
  • Aria Condizionata  Autonomo
  • Di Riscaldamento  Aria
  • Elettrico  A norma
  • Uscite Di Sicurezza 

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Ascensore 
  • Cancello Elettrico 
  • Ingressi2
  • Passaggio Pedonale 
  • Passaggio Veicolare 
  • Passo Carrabile2
  • Piazzale  (1000 mq)


  • Mare/lago7 km
  • Autostrada6 km
  • Trasporti2 km
  • Servizi500 mt

Sono presenti altre 5 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Rif 5790

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