Di Leo Immobiliare


Singola Ascoli Piceno, Montefiore dell'Aso

€ 130.000Rif 46

MONTEFIORE DELL'ASO - Wonderful house of approx. 300 sqm located in the square of the picturesque historical center of the medieval village so structured: on the ground floor there are 2 storehouses with vaulted ceilings, a courtyard of 26 sqm, the staircase for access to the upper floors and a commercial space of approx. 30 sqm with adjoining utility room and possibility to use it as a bathroom and an ante-room; on the first floor there are 3 rooms, dining room with fireplace, living room, kitchen, bathroom and dressing room; on the second floor there are 3 rooms plus bathroom with shower and a hallway with stairs which allow to access a terrace of approx. 30sqm on the rooftop with a view of the square and the historic center. The structural conditions of the building are good. One wing was razed to the ground and rebuilt in 1955 while the other has the structure of the early nineties with load-bearing walls of a thickness of 40 cm. In 2010 the entire building underwent renovation of part of the roof, of the paved terrace, of some rooms, of the electrical and hydraulic systems and the installation of the heating system with boiler and radiators in each room. DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 130.000
  • Mq320
  • Locali13
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE183.2 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • Tipo Di StabileD'epoca
  • CondizioniDa ristrutturare
  • ClassificazioneMedio

Caratteristiche interne

  • Bagni2
  • Camere6
  • Cucina  Abitabile (10 mq)
  • Ripostiglio  (9 mq)
  • Zona Giorno  Salotto (18 mq)


  • Citofono 
  • Elettrico  Da verificare
  • Idraulico  Da verificare
  • Riscaldamento  Autonomo

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Cantina2 (40 mq)
  • Cortile  (26 mq)
  • Terrazzo/i  (30 mq)


  • Mare/lago9 km
  • Autostrada10 km
  • Trasporti10 km
  • Servizi50 mt

Rif 46

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