Di Leo Immobiliare


Vigneto Ascoli Piceno, Carassai

€ 160.000Rif 5139

CARASSAI- land with slope less than 10%, exposed to SUD-EST, of about 7 hectares: 4 to vineyard, the rest to arable land. It has 100 olive trees of various cultivars such as leccino, Frantoio, tenera ascolana and others of lesser quality. The vineyard, for about 2 hectares, was planted in 2008, the remaining part in 2019. The grapes produced are Montepulciano, San Giovese, Passerina, Pecorino and Trebbiano. The average production is about 140 q.li/ha. Ref.5139. DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 160.000
  • Mq70000
  • Locali1
  • Classe Energ.NA

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • CondizioniBuono
  • ClassificazioneMedio


  • Mare/lago18 km
  • Autostrada18 km
  • Trasporti18 km
  • Servizi1 km

Rif 5139

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