Di Leo Immobiliare


Azienda Agricola Ascoli Piceno, Monteprandone

Tratt.RiservataRif 3915

MONTEPRANDONE - Small plot of land of about 18,000 square meters completely flat, with irrigation system attached to the network of the Water Consortium as well as to a well owned. Until three years ago, the land was used for the breeding of snails, today it is about 8,000 square meters sown with ancient wheat, the rest is rented. 10 fruit trees and 30 olive trees insist on the property. Ref. 3915. DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • PrezzoTrattativa riservata
  • Mq18000
  • Locali1
  • Classe Energ.NA

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • CondizioniBuono
  • ClassificazioneMedio


  • Mare/lago8 km
  • Autostrada5 km
  • Trasporti5 km
  • Servizi2 km

Rif 3915

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