Di Leo Immobiliare


Locale commerciale Ascoli Piceno, Monteprandone

€ 150.000Rif 3713

MONTEPRANDONE - In a visible position and in a residential area, property of about 259 square meters of which 36 are commercial and 223 are for storage. The property with excellent finishes has standard systems and has a maximum height of 3 meters and a minimum of 2.80 meters. The commercial part is located on the visible road and has three large windows as well as a space in front as a parking lot, while the part for storage is located at the back and has an office box, two bathrooms and a closet. There is a flue, inspectable false ceiling and alarm system. Agency reference code 3713 DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 150.000
  • Mq259
  • Locali1
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • CondizioniOttimo
  • ClassificazioneMedio

Caratteristiche interne

  • Bagni2 ad areazione
  • Doppi Vetri 
  • Luce Naturale 
  • Ripostiglio 
  • Uffici 

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Corte Esterna 


  • Mare/lago5 km
  • Autostrada4 km
  • Trasporti3 km
  • Servizi200 mt

Rif 3713

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