Di Leo Immobiliare


Azienda Agricola Fermo, Petritoli

€ 3.000.000Rif 4158

PETRITOLI - Organic zootechnical farm started on 18 hectares of land, located within a naturalistic area where pig breeding, production and transformation activities as well as farm activities insist. The company has a laboratory for meat processing and transformation of about 450 square meters with EEC stamp; 4 sheds for livestock use for a total of 1200 square meters; 2 rural buildings of which one of 120 square meters and one of 130 square meters; a natural water source with a pumping of 200 cubic meters per day; a pigsty with a capacity of 200 heads; a chicken coop with a capacity of 2000 cockerels; enclosures for wild boars and calves; a mill / feed mill; a cured meat factory. The agritourism business is carried out inside an old country farmhouse of about 800 square meters which has been scrupulously restored respecting the traditional architectural style and the surrounding environment. The structure has 70 indoor seats and 50 outdoor seats over 6 rooms with 20 beds. The breeding management techniques, practiced in the semi-wild state, take into account the physiological and ethological needs of the animals and are totally excluded from their diet synthetic chemicals. Ref. 1650 - DiLeoImmobiliare

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 3.000.000
  • Mq182800
  • Locali30
  • Classe Energ.F
  • IPE187 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • CondizioniOttimo
  • ClassificazioneSignorile

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Corte Esterna  (5000 mq)


  • Mare/lago18 km
  • Autostrada20 km
  • Trasporti18 km
  • Servizi1 km

Rif 4158

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