Di Leo Immobiliare


Bilocale Potenza, San Fele

€ 20.000Rif 1938

San Fele (PZ) - in the historic center pf the ancient village in the Lucan hills, delightful little house on two floors; the ground floor is to be restored, the second level is perfectly habitable and renovated and has a bedroom with fireplace, a kitchen and a bathroom. - DiLeoImmobiliare.it - Ref. 1938

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 20.000
  • Mq40
  • Locali2
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE344.1 Kwh/mq annuo

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • CondizioniBuono

Caratteristiche interne

  • Arredato Parzialmente 
  • Bagni 
  • Camino 


  • Mare/lago100 km
  • Autostrada80 km
  • Trasporti25 km
  • Servizi100 mt

Rif 1938

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Immobili Simili

Rif 1817 Vendita € 20.000
Bilocale Potenza, San Fele
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