Di Leo Immobiliare


Bifamiliare Ascoli Piceno, Monsampolo del Tronto - stella di monsampolo

Tratt.RiservataRif 1220

MONSAMPOLO (AP) / Stella di Monsampolo - In a quiet setting, independent building comprising two large apartments and a large attic (2,70m h.). On the mezzanine floor, apartment of about 100 square meters, systems to be chcked out, entrance hallway, living room with balcony, separate kitchenette, living room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom; access from the internal staircase to the first floor apartment of about 147 sq.m., recently restored, entrance to hallway, living room with balcony, separate kitchenette, living room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom; on the second floor attic of 147 sq.m. with slopes, laundry, kitchen and balcony. On the ground floor with damper from the street car shed. Completely paved and fenced courtyard of about 500 square meters with two garages, alarm system. - DiLeoImmobiliare.it - Ref. 1220

Dettagli principali

  • PrezzoTrattativa riservata
  • Mq400
  • Locali8
  • Classe Energ.G
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Caratteristiche interne

  • Arredato 
  • Bagni 
  • Camere 
  • Camino 
  • Cucina 
  • Disimpegno 
  • Doppi Vetri 
  • Ingresso 
  • Lavanderia 
  • Locale Caldaia 
  • Ripostiglio 
  • Soffitta 
  • Solaio 
  • Zona Giorno 


  • Canna Fumaria 
  • Allarme 
  • Video Citofono 

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Balcone/i 
  • Cantina 
  • Corte Esterna 
  • Garage 
  • Giardino 
  • Parcheggio (Posti Auto) 

Sono presenti altre 4 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Rif 1220

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